

Use Chrome’s
Network Inspector with

  • APIs
  • Webhooks
  • anything
  • node.js

The four-in-one HTTP toolkit

Secure tunnel to localhost

Use our cloud-hosted gateway service to get an inspectable public URL for your development environment. Zero firewall configuration required. Stores requests received while you’re offline. Learn More

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node.js® integrated

Inspect every outgoing HTTP request from a node.js process, no code changes necessary. Includes initiator stack traces. Free & open source. Get Started

As a HTTP proxy

Inspect requests from anything, to anything. Reconfigure the client to make requests to your proxy; requests get forwarded to your server.

req CLI

curl alternative: Make HTTP requests from the command line with a more convenient argument interface. Optionally inspect results in the GUI. Read docs

Fully featured

Secure tunnel to localhost with the public gateway

Reserve a * subdomain and all incoming traffic will be forwarded to your local development environment HTTP server – no matter where you are or what technologies you're using. Inspect requests and responses using the DevTools’ Network tab. Automatic fully-trusted TLS certificates included.

  • Debug API integrations
  • Accept incoming Webhooks
  • Easily test on real mobile devices
  • Share your dev env with teammates

$5/month. Buy for yourself or your team.

Learn more or Sign up

Native node.js integration

netsleuth brings the DevTools’ Network tab to node.js.

Inspect all outgoing HTTP requests from a node.js process. No code changes required, so it works with both your application code and dependencies automatically. netsleuth captures stack traces when requests are made, so you can see exactly what made a request.

Traffic is not proxied, so there's no configuration pain or strange bugs introduced.

Free & open source.

Get started

Inspect requests from anything, to anything with the local proxy

netsleuth runs forward and reverse HTTP proxy servers on your own machine.

Configure the client code to use your local netsleuth server. Requests get forwarded to the real server (the "target"), and you can inspect them using the DevTools’ Network tab.

The client and target can be anything: a browser, mobile app, embedded, IoT, Python, Java, C, …

For HTTPS, netsleuth automatically creates self-issued TLS certificates.

Free & open source.

Get started

The req CLI

A better CLI for making HTTP requests.

$ req POST My-Header:val foo=bar n=5

POST /example.json HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: netsleuth/2.0.0 (req; +
My-Header: val
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json, */*
Content-Length: 19

{ foo: 'bar', n: 5 }

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 17

{ hello: 'world' }

In addition, you can optionally inspect requests in the GUI.

Free & open source.

Read docs

Get started

Install the CLI: (assuming node.js is installed)

npm install -g netsleuth
snode myscript.js # runs myscript.js in an inspectable node process, or...
netsleuth inspect http://localhost:3000 # forwards traffic to your local dev server

Or install the package in your node.js project to use the API:

npm install --save-dev netsleuth
if (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'dev') {
	var netsleuth = require('netsleuth');
	netsleuth.attach(); // attach the inspector to this process

require('https').get('', function(res) {
	// …

…then open http://localhost:9000 to start inspecting your HTTP(S) requests.

Read full Getting Started Guide